Inspire, Connect, Thrive

For more than eight decades, Grove School has been a steadfast presence for adolescents and their families. Nestled along the picturesque Connecticut shoreline, Grove is a small, independently owned and operated therapeutic boarding school dedicated to creating a nurturing environment for students facing social, emotional, and learning challenges.
At Grove, we offer a holistic approach to care, integrating sophisticated clinical services, college preparatory education, and an array of activities aimed at fostering personal growth and nurturing meaningful relationships. Our focus remains steadfast: guiding students toward a brighter future enriched by their experiences within our caring community.

Academic Program
Grove School's academic program uses a trimester system, offering students a personalized and flexible curriculum with small class sizes and a broad range of subjects, including advanced placement courses. With the opportunity to earn up to nine credits per year, students receive individualized support through study halls, tutoring, and SAT/ACT preparation to ensure academic success.
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Clinical Services
Grove School offers comprehensive clinical services, including twice-weekly individual therapy sessions, group therapy, and family therapy, all integrated into the daily life of students. With a focus on contextually-based psychodynamic psychotherapy, the school provides constant access to support from a team of therapists, teachers, and counselors to address students' emotional and behavioral needs.
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Activities Program
Grove School's activities program offers a wide range of options, including varsity sports teams, over 30 clubs, arts, music, theater, and large variety off campus activities. Adventure trips such as skiing, camping, hiking and service trips are offered throughout the year. The program is designed to engage students' diverse interests and promote personal growth, creativity, and physical well-being.
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QPR Gatekeeper Training – Feb 16 or Feb 20

QPR Gatekeeper Training for Families & Care Givers
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer! QPR is a nationally recognized and evidenced based suicide awareness and prevention training program that teaches 3 steps that anyone can learn to help prevent suicide.
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Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCIF) Workshop – Mar 7

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCIF) Workshop
This workshop is designed to empower adults with the tools and strategies necessary to support their children during challenging moments.
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Announcing the March Musical

QPR Gatekeeper Training for Families & Care Givers
10:00 am
QPR Gatekeeper Training for Families & Care Givers
6:00 pm
TCI Family Workshop
9:00 am
Transition House Spring Break
All Day