Course Directory


The Language Arts Department offers a wide variety of classes for all students and courses specific to each student’s grade level.  In the middle school classroom, students focus on developing their writing through the five-step writing process and developing their analytical reading strategies to prepare for high school.  In 9th grade, the literature course focuses on various aspects of literature including poetry, short stories, plays, and novels.  Students in 10th grade participate in a world literature course reading well-known literature reflecting the values of various cultures and impact on individuals within the culture.  The 11th-grade curriculum focuses on American literature beginning in the 1800’s working through the literature of today.  In 12th-grade student work chronologically through the British timeline reading well know British authors and analyzing the effect of society on literature.  Beyond the core English courses, Grove School offers various English electives throughout the year including Creative Writing, Journalism, Poetry, and Deconstructing Disney.  Students are continuously assessed using the CCSS writing rubric and participate in a variety of academic-based activities such as Socratic seminars, multisensory projects, lectures, and the composition of various written pieces.

  • English 9

    Grades: 9

    Department: English

    Exploring Language begins to prepare students for post-high school future through foundational English language study and exploratory experiences in literature.  In the first semester, the basic skills of grammar and mechanics are reviewed and mastered along with regular vocabulary instruction.  The second semester focuses on reading comprehension strategies, literature-based vocabulary study and the five paragraph essay and writing process.