Attendance Policy

Grove School recognizes Connecticut State Law 10-98a that requires parents to cause their children to attend school regularly during the hours and terms the school is in session.


It is our belief that there is a correlation between student learning and consistent attendance in class. Much of what is presented in courses is sequential. Therefore, learning requires a continuity of attendance and effort. We also strongly believe that what occurs in class is vital to student learning. Lack of consistent attendance means that students will not get the full benefit of their courses. Attendance should be and will be a significant factor in the determination of a student’s grade as determined by the individual teacher.


The purpose of the Grove School’s attendance policy reflects our desire to have each student attend all classes. It is expected that parents will support the intent of the policy and encourage their children to have good attendance. Learning experiences that occur in the classroom are meaningful and essential components of the learning process.


For the purposes of this policy, absent is defined as a student being outside of Grove programming and supervision. Absences that are the result of school disciplinary action are excluded from these definitions.


If a student is absent from the school, a parent or guardian must send an email to the Academic Office to inform them of the reason for the absence. This e-mail is the only method that will be accepted when determining if an absence is excused; emails to treatment team members do not replace the required email to the Academic Office. If an email notification is not received, the absence will be considered unexcused. Parents should email to report absences; the email should include:

the student’s name,

the date(s) of the absence(s),

the specific reason for the absence


Excessive Absences:


A student is considered excessively absent once they accumulate a total of nine absences over the course of a school year. Grove School will notify parents/guardians when student has accumulated nine absences.

Parents/Guardians must provide written verification (i.e. doctor note, legal notice, registration confirmation) for any excused absence once student has been out of school a total of nine days.


The Grove School policy defines excused absences as follows:

·         student illness

·         death, critical illness or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family

·         observance of a religious holiday

·         medical appointment (which cannot be scheduled outside of the school day)

·         college visit (3 days permitted)

·         mandated court appearance

·         an absence deemed “excused” by the school principal

The Grove School policy defines unexcused absences as follows:

·         all absences not identified above are considered unexcused

·         includes family vacations, student travel and attendance at other programs/camps.

·         absences that are not explained by an email from a parent to the Academic Office within 48 hours after the student’s return to school from an absence, are considered unexcused

·         any absence in excess of 9 that does not have written verification

·         any absence deemed “unexcused” by the school principal

Attendance will be reported monthly to a student’s sending school district.


Impact of Absences

Impact of Grades/Credit –The number of unexcused absences permitted for each trimester

before the student’s grade is impacted or credit is lost is listed below:

·         6 unexcused absences result in a deduction of 10 points off a student’s final grade

average for the course

·         An additional point will be deducted from the student’s grade for each additional

unexcused absence

·         10 unexcused absences in a trimester will result in full credit loss

Impact on activity participation – A student may not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities, or other school-sponsored activities on the day they are absent from school.


The principal may make an exception to this policy in cases where extenuating circumstances prevail.


Early Dismissal

Parents / Guardians should only request early dismissal in cases of pressing family business and must call the school at any time to request early dismissal for their children in the event of an emergency.


Family Vacations

Grove School recommends that family vacations be taken in conjunction with scheduled school vacations; they are not excused absences.