Individual Therapy
Individual psychotherapy is the cornerstone of Grove’s therapeutic milieu. Under the guidance of our licensed clinical staff, students undergo intensive psychotherapy sessions twice weekly. Rooted in Grove’s philosophy of personal responsibility, individual therapy blends psychodynamic and interpersonal approaches to support our students. Psychodynamic therapy often delves into the interpretation of past events, allowing students to recognize the impact of their past on their present experiences while at the same time understanding that true change is catalyzed by focusing on the present and shaping future actions.
Drawing from principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Grove’s therapeutic approach emphasizes mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. These therapeutic principles are integrated into every aspect of our milieu. Grove’s immersive approach to therapy allows students to internalize and utilize coping strategies, facilitating self-reliance, self-regulation, and increased distress tolerance in real-world scenarios.
Central to individual treatment is the cultivation of choices grounded in self-respect and honesty, guiding students towards authentic self-expression and fulfillment amidst the complexities of interpersonal dynamics.
“My child who was afraid to go to school is now smiling and laughing with peers and connecting with staff!”