Staff Directory

Kevin Davis

Residential Administrator/P.E. Teacher


Kevin was born and raised in Watertown, Connecticut. He has worked with students in several different settings throughout his life as a camp counselor, Applied Behavioral Therapist, and Special Education teacher before joining the Grove School.

Kevin joined Grove School in the winter of 2014 where he was a member of the Physical Education department and an Academic Case Manager, while working as a dorm staff in the boys residential program. He is now a Residential Administrator, while continuing his academic duties as a Physical Education teacher and Academic Case Manager.

He enjoys working with our students in dynamic and unique ways. He believes that developing relationships and being a part of each aspect of our student’s lives is a truly valuable way to support them in building adaptive skills that they can utilize as they move towards adulthood. Kevin’s favorite aspect of Grove is building relationships with our students through the activities, our ASTEE program and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Kevin graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with his B.S. in Exercise Science and his Masters in Special Education. He lives in Madison with his wife and two children. He enjoys living on the Connecticut Shoreline and being active outdoors, whether it be hiking, swimming or biking.

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